Our engineers have extensive experience analyzing and solving bolted joint problems on a wide variety of applications. We will work with you to resolve your situation whether or not it involves using our locknut. We work with industry leaders in railroads, mining, material handling, crushing and pulverizing, and more to identify issues and offer products and ideas specific to their needs.
Solving bolted joint problems is what we do.

Proven performance on the world’s most demanding applications. Available in a wide variety of sizes and styles. (Inch Series, Metric Seires, Hex, Square, Thin, Plated)
The Original Security Locknut

Do you have an application that is unique? Contact us to customize the ideal Security Locknut for your specific needs.
Custom Shapes & Sizes

We make these too! Available in all the same sizes and styles as our Security Locknut products
Non-Locking Nuts

Used to protect the joint surface from damage during tightening and distribute the load under the bolt and nut head. Available in common sizes – call for details.
Flat Washers

Working with our partner suppliers to provide bolts and externally threaded fasteners to our customers. Kit packed per your handing. Call for details.
Bolts & Kits

Fully integrated one-piece design features a Security Locknut, Washer, and Rubber Seal. Easy to handle, fast to install, and reusable. Primarily designed for use on grinding mills in mining operations. This reusable product holds the mill liners secure and seals the through-hole to prevent leaking.
The Mill Hero
Simple & effective
all-steel construction

Requires no special tools for installation

Vibration-resistant “won’t back off”

Reusable and infinitely adjustable

Does not damage or deform the bolt thread

Proven for decades in the most demanding applications

Holds in any
position on the bolt

Performs at extreme temperatures

Performs in extreme environments

Fast – Popular sizes in stock and ready to ship

Customized locknuts for your unique equipment
Why Do More Engineers Choose Security Locknut?

For use when bolting to surfaces that are unpredictable and non-parallel. Available in common sizes – call for details.
For use when bolting to surfaces that are unpredictable and non-parallel.
These washer sets will provide an even clamp surface to eliminate bending stress and help retain bolt tension.
Available in common sizes – call for details.
Drawing: 2-piece spherical washers used under a 1-3/8 bolt head or nut surface compensate for clamp surfaces up to 3 degrees off parallel.